10-morning routines to adopt to improve your daily productivity.

10-morning routines to adopt that will improve your daily productivity.

Do you know what’s better than having a productive morning routine? Having an entire week of productive mornings. Here are 10-morning routines to adopt to improve your daily productivity.

1. Wake up at the same time every day

If you want to be more productive and get more done, waking up at the same time every day is a good way to start.

When you wake up in the morning, your body is most likely still tired from last night’s sleep. This means that it’s going to take longer for your brain and body to get back on track with their usual routine. However, if we all made sure that we woke up at the same time every single day (whether it be 6:00 am or 7:00 am), this would give our bodies time for some much-needed rest before starting another cycle of sleep deprivation later in the evening. The benefits of waking up at the same time every day include:

  • The better focus throughout each day when working on projects or doing homework;
  • More energy throughout each day due to not being tired anymore;
  • Less stress overall because there won’t be any irregularity when trying to set an alarm clock because everyone else around us might also have different schedules than ours do (and therefore might not wake up early enough either).

2. Get Moving

10-morning routines to adopt to improve your daily productivity includes Exercising.

  • Exercise is good for mental health.
  • It can help you sleep better and feel energized, which means that you’ll be more productive throughout the day.
  • Exercise helps you focus, stay positive and be productive in other areas of your life as well.

3. Stretch

Never downplay the importance and benefits of Stretching. It is an essential part of the 10-morning routines to adopt to improve your daily productivity.

  • Stretching is a great way to start your day, as it can help you focus and feel good.
  • It helps your body relax after a long day of work or school.
  • Stretching also helps increase blood flow in the body and makes you more energized throughout the day.
  • When we stretch our muscles we can gain more control over our movements which in turn gives us more energy for whatever task at hand may be waiting for us later on in life.

4. Meditate

Meditate - Stretch - 10-morning routines to adopt that will improve your daily productivity

Meditation is a great way to improve your daily productivity. It can help relax you and reduce stress, which will in turn make it easier for you to focus on the tasks at hand. Meditation can also help improve sleep quality, making it easier for you to wake up refreshed each morning. And finally, meditation has been shown to help people become more mindful—meaning they’re able to recognize their thoughts as separate from their environment and themselves—which helps them live in the present moment rather than dwelling on past failures or worries about future events (which might take away from productivity).

The best part about meditation? No equipment is needed! Just sit down somewhere quiet with your eyes closed (or close enough) and take deep breaths until there’s no pain anywhere in your body—for example: “inhale through the nose” then exhale through the mouth.”

5. Drink Water

Drink Water - Improve your daily productivity
Drink Water

Drinking water is perhaps one of the most important among the 10-morning routines to adopt to improve your daily productivity.

  • How many times have you been told this? Heck, even @aprokodoctor on Instagram preaches this every now & again.
  • Drink water to stay hydrated. Your body needs water to function properly, and if you’re not getting enough of it, it can lead to fatigue and headaches—not exactly the best feeling. Drinking enough fluids helps keep blood pressure balanced and keeps your skin looking fresh. It also helps prevent kidney stones from forming in the urinary tract (which is why we tell people, not to overindulge in coffee). But don’t worry: You don’t have to chug gallons of H2O every day; just aim for eight glasses per day if that’s what works best for you.

6. Set your Intentions

List your intentions
improve your daily productivity

This is big practice at Foteino Talento. The first step is setting your intentions for the day. What do you want to achieve? What do you hope will happen? How are you going to feel after achieving it? If something doesn’t go according to plan, how will you respond?

All of these questions must be answered before getting started with your morning routine. Once they’re answered, then it’s time for rituals and habits that support them.

7. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Healthy Breakfast -
Eating A Healthy Breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast is one of the most important things you can do to boost your energy, focus, and overall mood. It will also help you feel more alert during the day, which is especially important if you’re going to be working from home or on a business trip.

To make sure that your breakfast doesn’t become just another meal in between lunch and dinner (or vice versa), keep it simple: some whole grain bread with jam or peanut butter; an egg cooked anyway; some fresh fruit; maybe some juice if there’s the time! Just make sure that whatever it is that makes up your morning meal has plenty of protein so that by lunchtime when hunger pangs kick in again, there’s still enough fuel left from last night’s dinner leftovers waiting for another round of eating at work later today–and tomorrow morning too.

8. Write Down 3 Things You’re Grateful For

Another example of the 10-morning routine to adopt to improve your daily productivity is listing what you’re grateful for. There are so many reasons to write things down. It can be a way to make sure you’re not forgetting anything, but it also helps you focus on what is going right in your life. And it can be done at any time of day or night.

You can either keep a journal or piece of paper by your bedside table and write down 3 things that make you grateful throughout the day (or just start with these three things). Or you could tell someone how much they mean to me as part of an email or text message—it doesn’t matter where this gratitude goes as long as it gets said out loud.

9. Enjoy a Cup of Tea or Coffee in silence . . . No Distractions

This is one of the most underrated ways to start your day. It can help you get going and get focused, so it’s a great way to start your day positively. The quiet time allows you to think about what needs to be done for the rest of the day, clearing your mind from any stress or anxiety that might be lingering from yesterday’s activities.

10. Listen to Music

Listen to music - Improve your daily productivity
Listening to music – Improves your mood

Listen to music. Any music. Something that brings you joy. And dance while you make breakfast and get ready for the day. (I recommend Now That’s What I Call 90s Dance) #Nostalgiaisreal. … or don’t. And just turn on an audiobook or listen to a podcast. It’s entirely up to you. Whatever makes you happy. Sometimes my brain isn’t awake enough to read, so I listen to an audiobook, podcast, or even an album I love (and that’s a long-range, from UB40, Imagine Dragons – Burna, Wiz, Kizz & Davido). But then there are others when I need quiet, so I have none of the above on and just enjoy some quiet time.

Music can be a powerful tool for your morning routine. It can help you wake up, it can help you stay awake if you’re tired, and it can even make getting out the door seem less like a chore.

Music also has some pretty positive effects on creativity: researchers have found that listening to music improves memory and concentration in both healthy adults and patients recovering from stroke or head injury. And studies show that when people are sitting quietly with their eyes closed, their minds become more creative. This is because we spend less time worrying about being judged by others or by ourselves (or being criticized). We tend not to judge our ideas as harshly when we’re relaxed enough not only to recognize them but also to think them through thoroughly before sharing them publicly with others—which means fewer mistakes along the way. Vibing good music at work could also prove useful. How? We wrote a whole post about it >> Why you should vibe to good music at your workplace

There are many benefits to adopting these 10-morning routines which help improve your daily productivity.

  • Being proactive helps you get more done. In fact, according to research performed by Dr Phil McGraw and his associates at the University of Texas at Austin, people who adopt a morning routine are significantly more productive than those who don’t do so.
  • Being proactive helps you be more productive. Studies have shown that people who start their day with a series of specific tasks tend to be more successful than those who don’t take action until later on (or not at all). The key here is having clearly defined goals in mind when setting out each morning—and then sticking with them through thick or thin.
  • Being proactive makes life easier overall because most mornings could use a little extra zest; this means fewer stress levels overall as well as better sleep quality throughout the day–both huge boosts for productivity levels.

If you’ve been struggling with your morning routine and need some help getting started, try these tips! They may seem like simple tasks at first, but they will have a positive impact on how you feel about yourself throughout the day. You don’t have to do all 10 things at once—just pick one or two from each list that resonates with you most. Then commit to making them part of your daily routine over time. And while you’re at it, why not start incorporating more self-care practices into your life? You deserve it.