Does sleeping matter? 6 technological tools that help you improve your sleep

Two questions. Does sleeping matter and whatever the answer, why are there multiple technological tools that help you improve your sleep? There has been a lot of talk for some time now that techies and anybody who is serious about their job shouldn’t sleep at night. The slang says “Only the weak sleep at night”…funny right? No wonder people sleep past their bus station, aren’t so happy at work, have deteriorating productivity and aren’t so functional and lively. All of these are attributed to not getting enough sleep at night.

It’s said that Jeff Bezos, one of the richest men in the world, with a personal valuation of $140.9 billion, sleeps the ‘ideal’ 8 hours every night, and doesn’t need an alarm clock to wake him – according to This is because he knows the power and benefits embedded in having a good sleep. In this blog post, I will be sharing some insights into the benefit of having good sleep, a technique I always prefer to use, and 6 technological tools that help you improve your sleep. Let’s dive right in.

What are the benefits of good sleep?

There are more than enough benefits of having a good sleep, but these three stand out for me:

1. Sleep improves memory: As someone who works with a lot of devices, I know the importance of computing memory, not to mention memory in humans. Sleep gives the body the rest it desires, consolidating, straightening and processing the information it has received when active during the day.

2. Sleep increases productivity: In recent times, sleep has been linked to improved concentration, increased energy and alertness. As much as burning the night candles to read and carry out important tasks needs to happen sometimes, you should have it at the back of your mind that it’s going to affect your productivity and concentration the next morning.

3. Sleep reduces health consequences: According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (AASM, 2005), a lot of people with depression, obesity, high blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, and stroke have something in common – very few sleeping habits (sleep disorder).

You could read up more on sleep from our previous post – 10-morning routines to adopt to improve your daily productivity.

A technique for better sleep

It is safe to say that sleep does matter. A very good method to fall asleep I’ve come across and also experimented with is the Military Method – developed and tested by the US Army. It is proven that this method works within 2 minutes even in an intense environment.

How does it work?

1. Relax your body from your head to your toes

2. Relax the muscles in your face, tongue, jaw and muscles around your eyes.

3. Lower your shoulders as far as they will go. Do the same for your upper and lower arms, one side at a time.

4. Breathe out, 

5. Relax your chest followed by your legs, starting from the thighs and all the way down to your toes.

6 Technological tools to improve your sleep

So far, I have listed and explained why sleep matters, now, let’s look into 6 technological tools that help you improve your sleep

1. Sleep Analyzer – such as Withings Sleep Analyzer

Withings Sleep Analyzer

2. Wearable Sleep Trackers – such as Fitbit Versa 3, Xiaomi mi Smart Band 6, Samsung Watch 5 series

Xiaomi mi Smart Band 6

3. Sleep Apps – Apple health app, PrimeNap, SleepScore, Pillow

Apple health app

4. Sleep Headphones – Kokoon Nightbuds

Does sleeping matter? 6 technological tools that helps you improve your sleep
Kokoon Nightbuds

5. Bedside Monitors – such as SleepScore Max

Does sleeping matter? 6 technological tools that helps you improve your sleep
SleepScore Max

6. Smart Beds – such as Sleep Number 360

Does sleeping matter? 6 technological tools that helps you improve your sleep
Sleep Number 360

Sleep is one of the activities every living being should take seriously regardless of the state of the nation, economy and job expectations. This is one of the reasons why we have decided to commit ourselves to be a workspace focused on wellness – Foteino Talento. As much as we provide you with a conducive space to boost your creativity and productivity, we also care about your physical and mental health, because all of these constitute wellness.

So on that task manager of yours, add your sleeping to your morning routine, because your daily task isn’t complete without dedicating some hours to sleep.